So I was on the phone with a guy I met a few days prior. He was kinda cute and I was interested in learning more about him. We started to talk about where we were from, what we liked to do, and etc. Then the subject of employment came about and this was apparently a VERY sore spot for him. Why? Because he had just gotten fired from his job for cursing out his supervisor. [Ummmmmm????] According to him, he was working at a popular restaurant in DC and the chef was angry with him for not properly cooking the fried chicken. [Ohhhhhh kayyyy…insert blank stare.]
Anyway, I could hear that he was becoming very upset and was preparing the end the conversation [because I really don’t care to have negative conversations during my initial chats with a potential love interest anyway], but this dude would not shut the hell up and continued to rant and rave about everything wrong in his life. [Why do these dudes feel so comfortable telling me all of their problems though?]
On top of this guy being recently fired from his job at the restaurant, he had just been released from serving 8+ years in prison for selling drugs. Then he disclosed how he lost his very first job upon being released from jail because he broke his arm due to hopping out of a hotel window to avoid being shot. [I’m sorry…WHAT?]
Him: I was at the Muhjarrin Hotel with my dude for a meeting, but it was a setup. Some guy came up there to shoot us, so I hopped out of the window and broke my arm. I lost the job that I had at that time because I couldn’t lift anything since my arm was broken.
Me: Ummmmmm okay! Yeah….That’s a bit much. What
the f***is a Muhjarrin Hotel anyways?Him: It’s that popular oriental hotel in DC. You know…downtown.
Me: Oriental hotel in DC? Um sir, it’s called the MANDARIN Hotel. [You have got to be f****** kidding me!!!!]
Believe it or not the conversation got worse [Why I was still entertaining the conversation is beyond me!] with him telling me how he missed all of the drug money he used to make and that he should’ve really been earning at least $2,000 a week at his former restaurant job instead of $9 an hour. I tried to contain my laughter and informed him that he might be a tad delusional. Although it’s not entirely impossible, I let him know that it’s difficult for someone who just got out of prison less than one year ago to command that type of money with no formal training, connections, education, or legal work history, especially since he spent virtually all of his twenties locked away. [You cannnot be serious! lol. Can’t fault a man for having ambition though.]
Anyway, since his $2,000 a week plan at the restaurant didn’t quite work out, Mr. Muhjarrin’s plan was to start a trucking company and, with every dime that he earned from his trucking business, he was not going to buy a house, save for school, support himself, pay off debts….none of that. This guy was going to take all of the money that he made and invest it to start a rap career. [Shoot me not now but right now!]
So let’s recap:
• this guy just got out of prison for drugs where he served practically all of his 20’s [prime years]
•reading is not his strong suit…i.e. the “Muhjarrin Hotel”
• he was getting shot at at the “Muhjarrin Hotel” (Although I never heard anything about it on the news and don’t hotels lock their windows anyway? Have you ever seen a hotel with open windows?)
• he just got fired from his second job which means he got fired from not one, but two jobs in the same year
• he had no credentials…no education, no training…nothing
• he was preparing to start a trucking business and invest all of his earnings to start a rap career
At that point, I felt that I had wasted more than enough of my time with the never-ending conversation and I let him know “Sweetie with all due respect, I appreciate you outlining your situation [in grave detail], but you have too much sh*t with you I’m not in a position to deal with all of that. You take good care.”
I do hope this guy is doing well. I just had no desire to put myself in a position to deal with all of his perceived baggage.
Not For Me
What would you do?
Why do some people attempt to date when they have a little too much drama going on in their lives? Do you think people who “don’t have a pot to piss in” should be in the dating world?
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