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OMG Go Away!

So after the non-date disaster with Mr. Dave and Busters (see blog post Non-Date Disaster), this guy was apparently smitten with me and I really didn’t know why because I was so NOT nice to him nor did I like him in any way beyond a friendship (this information had been relayed to him prior to our non date).  However, he kept trying to contact me in every impersonal way such as texting, fb, and email, which irked me to no end [I’m not a fan of impersonal communication…if you have something to say to me, pick up thed@mn phone! ok I’m done venting] yet, I was foolish enough to respond.

He kept sending me chat messages insisting that we go to Cabo together and that he would pay for it, but I knew that was a bunch of malarky.

Him: Pack your bags and get out of the area for a little bit

Me: Can’t afford it

Him: Yes you can. I told you what the deal was.

Me: So you’re going to pay for me to go and you don’t even know me like that?

Him: I have been digging you on the low going on a good 4 years now. I really hate what happened to you and I’ve been thinking about you like everyday since, which is why I wanted to do everything I could when we went out Friday to show you a good time and just make you a little happy. All I want to do is make you smile. Feel me?

Me: [OMG What date were you on sir?] But that’s where there’s a disconnect. The feeling is not mutual.  Nothing in this world is free and I’m certain that you would not be paying for me to go on vacation while you receive nothing in return. That’s unrealistic.

Him:  How about you just tell me how you feel and be 100% honest because you made a comment about being turned off about Friday.

Me: I think you need to get a f****** clue! I don’t see you outside of the “friend zone”, as I’m not attracted to you on that level.

As far as Friday is concerned, I felt as if you were NOT a good listener and too indecisive. I clearly conveyed that I had NO interest in going to Dave & Busters and wanted to keep things low-key, but you continued to press the issue and that bothered me.

Him: But look it doesn’t even matter. If you’re content with dealing with deception and whatever else you’re over there dealing with, then that’s on you. At the end of the day, all I can do is put my cards on the table and make it clear of what kind of man I am and not. I think you’re a cool person and it’s a shame that someone took advantage of that and damaged you for the next person. Hopefully, the one lesson that you can learn from this situation is that nothing is ever perfect, and usually when it’s too good like how it was for you, then something isn’t right. So just look for the warning signs with the next guy unless you decide to settle and deal with what you got last week.

Me: I’m not content in dealing with deception [hence the reason why I broke up with the dude jerk!]. I thought I made that clear to you, which further emphasizes that you are not a good listener. However great you might believe yourself to be or whatever kind of man you are is irrelevant at this point.  A smart man would understand that any woman who is fresh out of a relationship really has NO interest in getting to know someone else or doing drastic things so soon such as taking a vacation.

You are moving way too fast, coming on too strong, and your timing is way off. I explained to you prior to our outing that I was not interested in dating you and you explained that you were only trying to cheer me up [LIES].

Actually, I’m not damanged for the next man. This is just a stepping stone and a blessing from God. In my previous relationship, I didn’t settle…I was deceived. There’s a difference.  Speaking of settling, would me going on a vacation with you not be settling? I have NO romantic feelings for you. So in essence, I’d just be settling for a free trip.  F*** OFF! Take CARE!

I thought this conversation painted a clear enough picture to this guy and further clarified that he had NO CHANCE IN HELL; however, this fool continued to text me [insert face palm].  After ignoring this man’s texts for a little over one month, I couldn’t take it anymore. I called him on the phone and said:

Me: Michael, why do you keep texting me?

Him: I just wanted to see how you were doing and if you wanted to hang out again.

Me: Have I responded to any of your messages?

Him: No.

Me: Was that not a clear enough indication that I have no desire to hang out or keep in touch? Were my messages during our last chat on fb not clear enough?

Him: Well I’m just trying to be a friend.

Me: Please spare me the friendship talk because you and I both know that is not your intention. I’d prefer that we no longer stay in contact.

Him: But why?

Me: Sir, I have no desire to explain this to you again. Just please refrain from contacting me from this point on. Take care.

As if this story couldn’t get any longer or any more boring, would you believe that this fool created a fake/anonymous texting account just to harrass me? [WHYYYYYYYY!!!!!]

Anonymous: How is my light-skinned big-breasted friend.

 Me:  Lol! Who is this?

Anonymous: It’s Steve from the berg. Remember when you used to give me head after class. Your p*ssy was wack though.

Me: Ha ha ha ha! Ask your mother.

Anonymous: So you wanna bring my mom into this? lol

Me: Michael, please find something better to do with your life. The fact that you went out of your way to setup a fake phone number to harass me shows that you really need help. Do yourself a favor and get a girlfriend….some friends….something and leave me the hell alone. Oh and it’s the BURG dumb @ss!

Ugggghhhh! I tried to get the police involved but there was nothing that they were willing to do could do to track it since it was a fake/online generated number and I didn’t have concrete proof that it was him, but I knew it was Michael’s dumb ass.

Fortunately after that text exchange, Michael FINALLY left me alone. [HALLELUJAH!!!!]

I do blame myself for this whole ordeal. I should have never reconnected with this guy in the first place nor fallen for the “I just want to be a friend and cheer you up” line, and most importantly,  I should have checked the state court case files before going out with this guy. Why? Because apparently this dude was some sort of a stalker, as some other chick had a restraining order out on him.


Dodged a Bullet…Sort of I guess *shrugs*

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