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Sucky Sucky

So this guy I had been talking to invited me out to lunch on a Saturday afternoon…our first date. He picked me up and we headed to the restaurant. The conversation went well on the ride over and continued over lunch. Because there’s no shame in my game when it comes to food, I ordered ribs. Yes, I know this isn’t great first date food I suppose, but I eat whatever the hell I want. Besides, I wasn’t in the mood for dainty food. lol

restaurant tables

Anyway, I placed my order and when the server requested to take my date’s order, he declined. [Ummmmm ohhhhkay] Of course I felt some kind of way and asked him why he didn’t order anything to eat and his excuse was that he wasn’t really hungry, but he just really wanted to see me. [Why the **** did you invite me to a restaurant then? Geez! Now I gotta sit here while you watch me eat. Awkward!]


Well, at first I was little uncomfortable with the idea of me being the only one eating, but my anxiety disappeared as soon as the server brought out my rib platter. Man that thing was DELICIOUS!!!!


In spite of him not eating, lunch went well. Conversation was great, he was a gentleman,  laughed at my corny jokes, and, of course, he was attractive.


As we got into his car and headed back to my place for him to drop me off, he cut on some nice music and gently grabbed my hand.


I began thinking to myself “Wow this guy is something else! Not only is he attractive and funny, but he’s affectionate too!” I was absolutely gushing sitting in the passenger seat….wind blowing in my hair…eyes closed just taking in the beautiful moment. Unfortunately, that moment was very short-lived because out of nowhere, my hand started to feel warm and moist.  Why? Because this dude placed my entire left hand in his mouth and proceeded to suck on my fingers. [Oh my mother f***** goodness! What the f*** are you doing? I mean seriously dude.] That completely caught me off guard. I went from panicking because I was afraid that I had some rib residue leftover on my hand to complete disgust!


This Date Is OVER!


I didn’t know what to do so I quickly removed my hand from his mouth and just sat in silence until he pulled up to my place. I was so grossed out that I don’t even remember saying goodbye before I hopped out of the car. Call me petty but who in the hell sticks a person’s hand in their mouth that they barely even know without warning especially after they had just eaten a platter of ribs? What happened to a peck, hug, or goodnight kiss? Were my hands more appealing than my lips?



Still Grossed Out


How would you have handled the situation? Would his actions have turned you on or grossed you out? Post your comments below!

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