So I had a little bit of a rocky first date with this guy, let’s call him Sassy Mitch. He didn’t tell me he was going to be late to our date until after I had arrived at the restaurant. [You cannot be serious!] Apparently, he locked himself out of his house and only had his phone. I told him we should reschedule so that he could get his stuff in order and because I was starving [and I’m not going to wait for you to get here…sorry!], but he insisted on coming. Mitch arrived 45 minutes late, but I was already grubbing. Fortunately and surprisingly, things ended on a…
The Graduation
So I was very cool with my boyfriend’s family and had known them for close to two years. They lived out of state, about 300 miles, so I would only see them when I joined my boyfriend (when my schedule permitted) on a road trip, which was about 3-4 times a year. Anyway, my boyfriend wanted me to accompany him to visit his family for a special occasion: his little brother was graduating high school. [YAY!] I thought that was all fine and dandy and was excited to attend the ceremony because his brother was such a great kid with a bright future. The only problem was that my boyfriend planned on driving up…
Pencil D***
So I met this guy in a popular nightlclub in DC and we dated for a few months. Things progressed pretty well and pretty quickly. Eventually, our dates became longer and longer until one night I decided to give him some. Things were getting hot and heavy…I asked him if he had any condoms and he said “no”. So I told him to get some. My neighborhood was a pretty popular neighborhood with plenty of convenience stores within seconds of my home, yet it took him 45 minutes. When he returned, he seemed pretty nervous, but I invited him to my bedroom to relax with a glass of wine. The…
Don’t Be A Buzzkill
So have you ever gone on a date with someone that sucked the life out of the entire room? Perhaps he/she was a Debbie Downer, rubbed you the wrong way, or just killed the moment? Well, we call these people BUZZKILLS. Now I’m certain we’ve all had our very own buzzkill moments and here are some suggestions on how NOT to be a buzzkill on future dates. Don’t bring up a bunch of sh*t that nobody cares about for the sake of having conversation Of course, we want conversations to flow naturally, but it’s important to really THINK before we speak. So if you have some random thoughts running through your mind that you…
Dating DOs & DON’Ts
So a lot of people kinda SUCK at dating and what appears to be common sense for some is not so common for others. Here are some dating do’s and don’ts that we’ve compiled to help you along the way. Do Pick Up The Phone Texting can be quick and easy, but so many things can get lost in translation and misinterpreted. Don’t rely on texting to be your primary or only means of communication and don’t ask someone out, especially on a first date, via text. Pick up the phone. Do Plan The Date If you ask someone on a date, especially a first date, plan the date. Don’t wing it and don’t invite someone to your…
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