So I matched with this guy on an online dating site. We chatted for a few days online and eventually exchanged numbers. The conversation went well and he made mention of us getting together in the very near future. I was down to go on a date with him, but I wanted to video chat with him first to make certain he matched his pictures. [Ain’t nobody got time to be catfished! Lol] He looked as good as his pictures….his haircut was fresh, lips were awfully juicy and not chapped [chapped lips are such a turn off], and his personality was spot on, but something happened that changed EVERYTHING: he…
His Son’s Mom
So I met this guy at a friend’s party and we hit it off. He was a gawjus [gorgeous] chocolate man…nice body, dressed well, smelled good, and he was funny. [Lord knows I love me a funny man!] He asked me for my number and we kept in touch after the party. Since I had a habit of going on dates with limited pre-discussions [i.e. not enough pre-date screening], I wanted to take the time to converse with this guy to learn a little bit more about him before going out.
Repost: How I Discovered My Husband’s Love Language
My husband called me “an un-supportive wife.” He said I didn’t support him in his pursuit of his dream career. We’ve had many arguments in our 10+ year relationship, but this comment insulted and hurt me more than anything he’s ever said to me. All I do is support him. I couldn’t believe he just uttered those words. I was shocked to silence when he first spat that out at me. I looked around in disbelief that he could actually feel that way. I looked around at the janky old apartment in Jersey City (above my mother in law, mind you) that I agreed to move into…
“When it comes to love, we are both the victim and the perpetrator of the crime.” – Loveology, John Mark Comer. Last week I had the pleasure of attending the live broadcast of “This Date Is Over Radio Show“, an internet radio show about dating and relationships. The topic of the show was “Losing Attraction” i.e. what to do when your mate is losing interest. Having experienced this a few times out in the dating field, it sparked some reflection. Everybody fears being vulnerable and that’s why in relationships we take on the dual roles of “victim” and “perpetrator” or defender and protector. Not only do we not…
Is He Crazy or Nah?
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