• The Blog

    Do you REALLY need that Magnum?

    So sparks are flying, endorphines are on overdrive, and he’s about to put it on you [so you think]. He whips it out and you’re like “ehhhh it’s aiiight…I can work with that…no big deal” UNTIL he pulls out a damn Magnum condom. *SMH*  You then find yourself blinking profusely as if his member is going to miraculously grow to fit inside this extra large condom; however, reality sets in with a question burning inside that you dare not say out loud…..but every ounce of you wants to ask DO YOU REALLY NEED THAT MAGNUM?  I mean seriously?   Fellas, have you no shame?  What is going through your mind…

  • The Blog

    Clean Up, Man

    So I’ve been in an exclusive relationship with a guy for about 5 months now and things are going well for the most part. With the exception of our regular dates and gym time, we spend a lot of time at each other’s places….Actually, we spend most of the time at my place because I do most of the cooking and he likes the way I throw down. lol Anyway, I enjoy cooking and fixing my man’s plate because I want everything to look and taste perfect, especially if it’s something coming out of my kitchen. When I started cooking for him in the beginning, he was very helpful with the dishes…

  • The Blog

    Fresh Out

    So I was invited to dinner at a restaurant in the city by a guy that I recently met. Once inside, it seemed a little too ratchet [neither one of us had actually been to this place before] and my date quickly suggested that we walk around the area to find a different restaurant. There were a number of restaurants on the same block, so it didn’t take us long to find a better spot and get seated. We seemed to really be hitting it off when, out of nowhere, he decided to have a confession hour of sorts. He revealed that he hadn’t had sex in over a year and that his divorce was…

  • The Blog

    Don’t Be A Buzzkill

    So have you ever gone on a date with someone that sucked the life out of the entire room? Perhaps he/she was a Debbie Downer, rubbed you the wrong way, or just killed the moment?  Well, we call these people BUZZKILLS.  Now I’m certain we’ve all had our very own buzzkill moments and here are some suggestions on how NOT to be a buzzkill on future dates. Don’t bring up a bunch of sh*t that nobody cares about for the sake of having conversation Of course, we want conversations to flow naturally, but it’s important to really THINK before we speak. So if you have some random thoughts running through your mind that you…

  • The Blog

    Dating DOs & DON’Ts

    So a lot of people kinda SUCK at dating and what appears to be common sense for some is not so common for others. Here are some dating do’s and don’ts that we’ve compiled to help you along the way. Do Pick Up The Phone Texting can be quick and easy, but so many things can get lost in translation and misinterpreted. Don’t rely on texting to be your primary or only means of communication and don’t ask someone out, especially on a first date, via text. Pick up the phone. Do Plan The Date If you ask someone on a date, especially a first date, plan the date.  Don’t wing it and don’t invite someone to your…

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