• The Blog

    Construction Bae

    So I was sitting in traffic on my way to work due to the never-ending construction.  As I sat at the light, I could see that one of the construction workers was a high school friend named Johnny. I honked, said a quick hello, and then the light changed, so I had to keep it moving. Johnny messaged me a few minutes later saying that I caught the eye of one of his coworkers and wanted to know if I was interested in meeting the guy.  I asked him to send a picture of his coworker before I could give the green light and Johnny obliged. His coworker was kind…

  • The Blog


    So I met this guy named Bo at a barbecue and the attraction was instant.  The chemistry between us was great; however, there was one HUGE problem: He wasn’t quite divorced…He was going through the process, but had a few months to go. [F*ck my life!] I made him aware of the reservations with dealing with someone in his situation and told him there would be no sexual relations between us whatsoever until his stuff was formally settled.  The plan was to cut him off because I didn’t want to end up in the middle of any type of drama or for our emotions to get the best of us,…

  • The Blog

    The Spitter

    So I reconnected with a woman I met previously at a non-profit event via social media [Thank God for Facebook…Well in this case, I believe Satan was involved with this woman]. We began talking on the phone and, since everything seemed fine, I invited her on a museum date. Now I’m all for jokes and I absolutely love to laugh, but I know better than to be loud and obnoxious in a museum. This woman, let’s call her The Spitter, was so loud and ignorant in the museum [think loud speaker announcements in grade school] making all types of inappropriate jokes and comments. Needless to say, I was happy when…

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