So I exchanged numbers with this guy and, during our initial chat, I learned that he lived about 4 hours away. [Damn!] We kept in touch in spite of the distance and spoke fairly regularly . He came to town within the following weeks and we had the absolute BEST time. We went to a number of bars in the city (kind of like a bar crawl) and danced the night away. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. It felt great to just go out and have some good old-fashioned fun….nothing planned or pretentious. [This dude might be a keeper!] Eventually, the clock struck…
Bait & Switch
So I lost my job [layoff] and was without health insurance. Due to my layoff/unemployment status, my health insurance went from a little over $100 per month through my employer to over $500 per month and I simply couldn’t afford that. To my surprise and disappointment, I had fallen very ill such that I had to go to a specialist to get an MRI which cost close to $2,000 out of pocket [how the f*** am I gonna pay for this?]. I was REALLY upset about it and like any normal person, I expressed my concern on Facebook. [lol] Once I shared my grief about not having insurance [this was before…
2 Dates & A Baby
So I met this chick in college through a mutual friend, let’s call her Cray. Me, Cray, my (guy) friend, and her (girl) friend hung out one night. We hit it off immediately….we could feel a strong connection. We ended up seeing each other again because I accidentally held onto her keys after a night of drinking. We went on date number one after I returned her keys and had a really nice time. Conversation was great…we just clicked naturally. I went to pick her up from her dorm for date number two and, as soon as I arrived, she wanted to have sex. Under normal circumstances, this would’ve been fine, but she wanted all…
So, I had been seeing this guy for a few months and things were pretty cool between us…We talked and saw each other often…really enjoyed each other’s company…all of that good stuff. Out of nowhere, our communication completely fell off for about a month or so. We were entrepreneurs and both of us had been on travel for various projects at that time, so I assumed he was super busy. I tried to maintain contact and reached out to him a number of times to no avail. I eventually fell back because I assumed that he wasn’t interested since he was unresponsive. I received a text message from him out of blue stating that…
Job Fair
So I kept hearing about a popular job fair in DC [my aunt was pressuring me about it] and reluctantly decided to attend [I HATE job fairs]. Although I had a great job at the time, I thought it would be a good opportunity to explore other options since I was looking to advance my career. Anyway, I arrived at the job fair and it was absolutely packed with a wide variety of potential employers as well as thousands upon thousands of people. I was dressed to the nines in one of my favorite suits [hey, I believe in looking the part] and, surprisingly, I stuck out like a sore thumb because…
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