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The Date That Never Was

So I met this guy at the gas station (yes the gas station lol) and we really hit it off. Exchanged numbers and carried on phone conversations for the next few days.  He soon popped the question (that means he asked me out on a date lol) which I happily accepted. The day prior to our first date he calls me and says “How would you feel about going dutch?” I said “Oooh! I’ve never been to a dutch restaurant. Sounds exciting.” (secretly hoping he didn’t mean what I thought he meant by that question. lol)

He then went on to clarify that he deemed it unnecessary for him to pay for the entire date because “if later on down the line we decide that we don’t like each other, I will not have wasted my money.” He then went on to say that he’s “developed a lot of long-lasting friendships by going dutch”. (Uh DUH moron!) o_0 I’m not a gold-digger or money hungry; however, if you ask me out, you pay.  That’s the rule!

Needless to say, we never went out.


I don’t want to date a cheap @$$ man

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