So I was working at a bank and had been crushing on one of my regular customers. We spoke (and flirted) often since he visited my branch almost daily to handle his company’s deposits. [He was fine…..what can I say?]
A couple of months passed and I landed a new job at a large firm paying way more than my
BS bank teller salary [hallelujah!]. I, of course, informed my crush that I would be bidding the bank farewell in less than 2 weeks and, as I had hoped, he asked for my number.
Because both of our schedules were so busy – me starting a new job and also being in the process of moving to another city [about 20 miles away] and him opening another store as well as being a father of two small children – we didn’t get a chance to really hang out with the exception of me stopping by his store one time, but we definitely talked a lot.
A few weeks had gone by and we finally got breaks in our schedules to hang out. [YAY!!!] We were talking about where we were gonna go on our date and the conversation shifted to babysitting plans for his children. He mentioned that his children’s mother would be at his place watching the children [huh?]. Since I didn’t have children, I thought this was kind of odd and asked why his kids weren’t going to her place instead. That’s when he revealed a bit of information that he conveniently left out of all of our prior conversations: “Oh, she lives here, but we’re not together.” [The f*ck?]
Me: “So y’all are not together huh?”
Him: “Nah”
Me: “Do y’all sleep in the same bed?”
Him: “Yes”
Me: “Then y’all are together!!!!”
Him: “No we’re not”
Me: “Well invite me over there and let me ask her myself”
Him: “Oh nah I can’t do that”
Me: “Exactly! Because y’all are together!”
Me being the lady I am, I told him he was full of sh*t, that we would not be going out, and to no longer contact me. He kept trying to convince me that they were not together, but I wasn’t buying any of that crap.
Fast forward two months….I was leaving church with a friend and I saw a loving family of four in the distance. As the family walked in my direction, I got a clearer view of exactly who it was. Of course it was Mr. We’re Not Together sporting a WEDDING BAND and holding hands with his wife, yes HIS WIFE, and two kids. Aint that some sh*t? lol
Of course and as expected, he didn’t say anything to me as we crossed paths…I simply shook my head, laughed, and kept it moving. Approaching him just wasn’t worth it to me.
Thank God We NEVER Went Out
How would you have handled this situation? Would you have said something to him or his wife at the church?
Comment below! Submit your relationship & bad date stories at
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