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So my boo was on his way over for some much needed extracurricular activities [bom chika  wah wah!] and it was EVERYTHING!

He knows that I’m very anal (pause) when it comes to after sex cleanup. I’m usually the one to get up and grab the baby wipes for us, but on this particular night, he volunteered to do so [Awww my boo gets me! Love me some him.]  We cleaned ourselves and off to sleep we went.

I got up the next morning to get ready for work and went into the bathroom. As I wiped the sleep from my eye, I noticed my container of lemon fresh Lysol disinfecting wipes sitting on the sink and thought to myself “Oh shit! Please tell me he did not give me no damn Lysol wipe last night!

I went back into my room and scoured the trash can for the wipes. Low and behold and to my dismay, there were two dried out lemon fresh Lysol disinfecting wipes in the trash can! This fool gave me a disinfecting wipe and I used it on my precious vagina!!!!!  He wiped his penis with one too! I can’t!

This date is OVER! 

Who in their right mind would put a disinfecting wipe on their genitals? Why didn’t he just grab the damn baby wipes?



Yeast Infection

What would you have done in this situation? Are guys really that clueless? What does your after sex cleanup consist of? 


Tune in to our radio show on Wednesday nights….9 pm ET on The Flow…This Date Is Over Radio!

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