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Twelve Dollars

So I had taken the day off from work and was in the middle of running errands when I received a phone call from a guy that I had exchanged numbers with a few days prior. He asked me to join him for lunch at a restaurant that he liked near his job. Fortunately, the restaurant happened to be close to where I was running my errands (within 5-10 miles), so I accepted his invitation.


While at the restaurant the conversation flowed quite well and he was very complimentary of my appearance. He was apparently rather taken with me because he got close and cozy by joining me on my side of the booth and embraced me a few times. I thought that was a little odd at first because we were just getting to know each other, but played it cool because, after all, he was attractive and I thought it was touching that he wasn’t afraid to outwardly express or show that he liked me. [I’m an affectionate person….what can I say?]


In previous conversations, I mentioned that I had a thing for guys with dreadlocks (which he had) and he invited me to play with his hair.  Although his hair looked GREAT, I made one quick grab and left it alone. [I mean…we were in a restaurant and some things aren’t for public consumption in my opinion.]


While we were enjoying our meals, he mentioned that he’d like to take me somewhere much nicer the next time around [hey buddy, you picked this restaurant lol] and everything seemed to go well UNTIL the bill came.  I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying at that particular moment because I thought he was still speaking with our server. However, he repeated himself by asking me to cover my portion of the check.  I looked around for a second to see if I was on candid camera, but, unfortunately, I was not.


Me: You cannot be serious.

Him: Well yeah. See this is just a meetup and my rule for the first meetup is that we split the check

Me: *Shakes head* I don’t operate by that rule. That doesn’t make any sense and, actually, it’s very tacky. 

Him: Well the women in this area get away with a lot of free dates so I just think that this is only fair; however, when we go out on our actual date, then I’ll take care of it. (He notices the look of disdain on my face) Well your mood just changed.

Me: Ummmm yeah. Because I’m turned off. Besides, I’m old-fashioned and prefer to date a gentleman.

Him: Well this isn’t a date. It’s just lunch. When you go to lunch with your coworkers, do you pay for them?

Me: No! Lunch with a coworker is completely different than lunch with a potential love interest. [I don’t sit on the same side of the booth, cozy up to, nor play with my coworker’s hair during lunch either.]



I looked at the bill and my portion was a whopping $12….Twelve, mother effin dollars. [YOU’VE GOT TO BE F**KING KIDDING ME!] LOL! Needless to say to my chagrin, I covered my portion of the check and let him know that:


Me: You will never hear from me again.

Him: Come on! I’ll take you to a really really nice restaurant for our 1st date.

Me: No, thank you. I’m not interested.

Him: Well what do you want me to do to make it better? Give you your money back?

Me: Ummm yeah! Do what you think is best. 

*He slid me the tip money I left for the server*

Him: See…I just gave you back your tip money. So all you did was pay for your meal.



Will the real men please stand up!!!!


If you invite a potential love interest to a restaurant of your choice and you sit on the same side of the booth as them exchanging love taps, that sounds like a date to me. Clearly I wasn’t worth $12. [Smh!]



I’m Not About That Dutch Life!




Did she overreact? What’s the difference between a date and a meetup? What would you have done in this situation? Should she give him a second chance?

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