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Christian Woman

So I came across a woman on Facebook that I went to middle school with, but never got acquainted with during the school years.After running into her in public, we ended up exchanging numbers and started to text and have multiple phone conversations.


She seemed like a very nice and warm hearted Christian woman, so I was digging that tremendously being a Christian man.
Anyway we started to spend time together….movies, dinner, and random meet ups just to talk. To sweeten the pot, she would cook and bring me all types of wonderful dishes she had prepared. [You know food is a way to a man’s heart.]



So taking it slow as always I eventually asked her if she was seeing or talking to anybody in which she stated NO, but her ex was trying to get back with her. I took it in stride thinking I can see why her ex would want to (get back with her). BUT, certain things started to make my spider senses go off.
First she didn’t’ work, but lived in a luxury building in a nice neighborhood, drove a nice car, dressed impeccably, and was always shopping. I was like “who do you live with?” and she responds “oh a roommate”. This still didn’t add up so after much prodding for several days she finally tells me…..SHE IS MARRIED. Her roommate is her husband who buys and pays for everything she has…i.e. the “ex” was actually her husband etc.

I said “don’t you think you should have told me this before we even went out?” I was highly upset that this woman would have me over to her place, cook food, ask to go out with me and other things all while being married.
I know some dudes don’t mind dating a married woman but I don’t entertain someone else’s significant other.


Oh I forgot to Mention I’m….

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