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Repost: MY Doggy Bag…Really?

So I’m going out to dinner with a guy that I had been talking to for a few weeks. The date started off kind of rocky because as we arrived to the restaurant, he walked in front of me without holding the door [OH HELL NO! Definitely NOT the gentleman that I expected].  At that point, my blood began to boil because I do believe in chivalry, but I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. So, I waited outside of the restaurant for him to realize that he needed to correct that huge mistake.  He came outside and asked me why I didn’t come inside and I informed him that it was because he did not hold the door open for me and that if he’d like for me to enter, he would need to do so moving forward…he obliged.

Long story more boring, we’re at the restaurant finishing up dinner [note: this was not a fancy restaurant…it was a chain, but hey food is food] and my date pays the bill.  I ask our waiter for a doggy bag since I was too full to finish my meal and my date leans over to me and says “Great! I can have that for my lunch tomorrow.” [WHAAAAAAT?]

With a look of concern and confusion, I ask him what he is talking about and he let’s me know that he is indeed planning to take my leftovers with him to lunch the next day. I quickly informed him that there was no way in hell that he was taking my food with him because I was going to take it with ME [hello, it was my food!] and he began to argue with me by saying “Come on you got the lamb though!” [I’m sorry but is there something in the dating handbook that states that certain items of food are transferable to the other dater?]


So this dude doesn’t hold the door open for me and then wants to turn around and take my food. Ha ha ha ha! GTFOH! Nobody comes between me and my food. I don’t care if you paid for it or not.


Moral of the story, don’t be stupid. If you invite a lady to dinner #1 open the door for her [chivalry is not dead] and, #2 stay the hell off of her plate (get your own d@mn food)!



That Lamb Was So Good The Next Day


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One Comment

  • Dwayne Blu-Phi Vaughan

    LMAO.. Dude was seriously messing up on the first date.. not opening the door.. crazy.. But when he wanted to leftovers though, at first I thought that he was implying that him and was gonna get busy that night so when he left for work in the morning he was gonna take it.. I guess he felt entitled to the LAMB

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