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Nothing But Drama

So one day I was playing around on Facebook and saw a man, let’s call him Sly, who I found attractive and started to flirt. I let him know that, although I found him attractive, I had a girlfriend at the time and not really looking for anything too serious. He asked me to lunch and I accepted his offer so that we could get to know each other.

Happy couple having great time at the restaurant

At lunch, he told me everything about his life such as him being a single father [found out that was a lie] to how he became a respectable public servant. Our date lasted for a few hours…we laughed, talked, and really connected. Later that evening we spent the entire time texting about our next encounter.

We went out a few days later and I spent the night with him. We had such a great time that we made plans to get together again. After date number three or four, he professed his love for me talking about a future, kids, the whole nine. I thought to myself, “he’s moving a bit fast, but, hey, shit happens”. We went out again and, of course, he went into his “I love you” and “we need to be together” bullshit and, again, I went home with him.

My birthday soon followed and I went out of town with my girl [Mind you HE KNEW I HAD A GIRLFRIEND]; however, she and I ended up having a huge fight and, when I got back, I spent the night with Sly.


One day while at work, I was telling my coworker about Sly and showed her his picture. As it turns out, she knew him. She told me he had a 4.5 months pregnant girlfriend that he was moving in with and showed me the pregnant girl’s IG page where it all was confirmed. I called Sly to ask for the truth and he stalled. He said “it’s not like that” and that we needed to talk face-to-face.

That Friday night, I met him at a restaurant and he told me everything; however, he said she was his ex. After we left the restaurant, I was planning to have goodbye sex in his car before going home, but his pregnant ex, let’s call her Preggers, pulled up next to us, rolled down her window, and yelled his name. He yelled for me to drive off, but I laughed and said “no”.

Road rage

Preggers started carrying on about how they lived together, were engaged, and in love. Sly, who was very drunk, jumped out of the car with me and got in the car with her explaining that he needed to get his stuff from her because she was going to throw it out. I drove off in his car and went home. He called me an hour later to bring his car back and when I went to get him, his parents had also arrived. At that point I drove his car back home because he was way too drunk. Preggers called to tell me that I needed to leave him alone and return their car because it was in her name.


The next morning, I finally met up with a sober Sly to return his car and he apologized. He said that preggers was crazy and he was only sticking around to see if the baby was his [she told me she wasn’t sure if he was the father by the way]. Clearly all lies.

At that point I was like “fuck it, I ain’t doing shit else” so I continued seeing him. Preggers started checking my posts on social media, disconnected his cell phone, allegedly disabled his social media pages and had him call me on 3-way to break things off with me [funny thing is he called to tell me that she was making him call before hand and not to pick up. I still have the voicemail saved…it’s hysterical] but he and I were still sleeping together. I explained to him that there’s clearly no way that we could be together and told him to go and make things right with Preggers.


Bottom line, he continued to lie about his situation and went so far as to tell me that I couldn’t go out with any other men. He even flipped out when he found out that I started dating someone new and spent the blizzard as well as Valentine’s Day with the new Bae.

Amigas embarazadas sobre fondo blanco

To make matters even worse, I learned from my coworker that this dude has TWO babies on the way: one with Preggers and another with her cousin.


This Date Is OVER!


I told him I had a GIRLFRIEND upfront. Why couldn’t he just do the same?



Beware of cruddy ass dudes 

Would you have continued seeing Sly after he revealed he had a baby on the way? What would you have done in the situation?

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