The Blog

The Scrunchie


So I was home from college on spring break when I got a phone call from a guy that I had known for a while. He stated that he wanted to see me and asked to come by. I put him on hold because I had to ask my mom first [I was a freshman in college and still lived at home] and my mom said it was ok for me to have company [SWEET!].

I was looking forward to seeing him because I thought it would be refreshing to see a different face since there were no guys of interest at my school.

The doorbell rang and I walked over to the door with some serious pep in my step [Yeah, I was excited]. That excitement quickly dissipated because when I finally set eyes on this guy, he looked a crazy f***ing mess! When he and I hung out previously, his hair was always neatly braided, but, when he came by to visit me at home, his hair was all over the damn place like he had just woken up…a combination of bed head, electrocution, and Albert Einstein. It was just awful.


I spoke to him from the doorway while he stood on the front porch and said:

Me: I’m sorry but you can’t come in here with your hair looking like that.
Him: My bad. So you’re not going to let me in for real.
Me: No, I’m not. You can’t meet my mom looking like that. Would you want me to show up to your house with my hair all over my head?
Him: Nah. My bad. You’re right. I’m sorry.


I though that this guy was going to turn around and go home, but, no, I was WRONG. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a scrunchie….a mother f***ing scrunchie and attempted to pull his mangled, mangy hair into a high ponytail of sorts [What man wears a damn scrunchie?????].

This Date Is OVER!

I appreciated his efforts, but all I could do was shake my head and bid him farewell because he looked like a damn fool.  I could only imagine my mother’s reaction and wanted to save both of us any further embarrassment because I’m certain she would have thrown him out on top of giving me a stern lecture.

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Image from


What would possess a person to visit the home of their date (who happens to live with her parents) looking a damn mess?



I may be young, but I have standards


What would you have done in that situation? Should she have allowed him to come inside? Post your feedback/comments below. Please also SHARE the blog post!


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