So I was at a bar crawl with my boyfriend on a Saturday night and he invited some of his friends to tag along. As the night went on, my boyfriend seemed to have a chip on his shoulders by showboating and making snide remarks to me in front of his friends. [Ummmmm you need to chill out because I’m really not trying to tell you about yourself in front of your friends.] We wrapped things up at the last bar and decided to soak up the alcohol with a jumbo slice of pizza. Larry, one of the tag-alongs, offered to buy everyone pizza. He asked what slice I wanted and I said…
Selfie King
So I was at a holiday party on a Thursday night with one of my girlfriends and the place [a nightclub] was packed. There was a free buffet and, naturally, we gravitated to that line. [Hey! A girl’s gotta eat! Why turn down free food? Lol] While in line, this rather attractive guy approached me and it appeared that the attraction was mutual. We had some small talk, exchanged numbers, and that was that. I let him know that I had a busy weekend ahead due to previous engagements and the fact that it was a few days before Christmas, but that we’d definitely get a chance to speak once the dust…
Unhappy Birthday
So I had been with this guy for 7 months and we decided to go to Miami for my birthday. I was excited because this was our first trip together and I just knew that we would have such a wonderful time. Before we left, he was saying that his money was tight and that he couldn’t go overboard on the trip. [My man, didn’t you know that we were planning to go here ahead of time? Why didn’t you save some money, especially when your salary trumps mine and then some?] He didn’t pay for my flight or hotel expenses, so I was unclear as to how he was…
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