So I met this chick in college through a mutual friend, let’s call her Cray. Me, Cray, my (guy) friend, and her (girl) friend hung out one night. We hit it off immediately….we could feel a strong connection. We ended up seeing each other again because I accidentally held onto her keys after a night of drinking. We went on date number one after I returned her keys and had a really nice time. Conversation was great…we just clicked naturally. I went to pick her up from her dorm for date number two and, as soon as I arrived, she wanted to have sex. Under normal circumstances, this would’ve been fine, but she wanted all…
Get Out Of My Uterus
Dear family, friends, and strangers: I am writing this message on behalf of women all over the world who do not have children, are not having more children, cannot have children, and any scenario that relates to our desire and/or ability to reproduce. STOP asking us when we are having kids, if we want them, what we are waiting for, if we are making room for another and ALL the invasive questions and comments (usually before an audience) that for so many, are painful and damn offensive. Some of you are as comfortable walking into our reproductive journey as you are a 7-11 and we wish you would stop. “Stop telling…
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