So I decided to try out a dating app to test the waters. I’m a silly person to the core, so I made certain to include some banter about the importance of nice (well, decent) teeth in an effort to avoid matching with a yuckmouth [i.e. a person with really bad teeth]. I perused some profiles and came across this one guy who was very attractive; however, I couldn’t gauge how his teeth were going to look because his mouth was closed in all of his pictures [Red Flag], but I decided to put those fears aside, swiped right, and BOOM….it was a match! We chatted on the app…
Thank God For Facebook! (TGFF)
So I met this guy who was a part of the night shift crew at my job….when I’m clocking out, he’s clocking in. He’d regularly come into the office a few minutes early and we’d have small talk. I learned that he was ex-military and a gym rat with multiple jobs. Anyway, this dude was FINE, tall, and delicious, but I couldn’t really tell if he was digging me beyond a professional level and I damn sure wasn’t going to pursue him. [I’m shy! Sue me. Lol] Well on this one particular evening, I was counting down to quitting time because I was STARVING since I left my lunch at home by mistake. As…
Food Fight
So I was at a bar crawl with my boyfriend on a Saturday night and he invited some of his friends to tag along. As the night went on, my boyfriend seemed to have a chip on his shoulders by showboating and making snide remarks to me in front of his friends. [Ummmmm you need to chill out because I’m really not trying to tell you about yourself in front of your friends.] We wrapped things up at the last bar and decided to soak up the alcohol with a jumbo slice of pizza. Larry, one of the tag-alongs, offered to buy everyone pizza. He asked what slice I wanted and I said…
2 Dates & A Baby
So I met this chick in college through a mutual friend, let’s call her Cray. Me, Cray, my (guy) friend, and her (girl) friend hung out one night. We hit it off immediately….we could feel a strong connection. We ended up seeing each other again because I accidentally held onto her keys after a night of drinking. We went on date number one after I returned her keys and had a really nice time. Conversation was great…we just clicked naturally. I went to pick her up from her dorm for date number two and, as soon as I arrived, she wanted to have sex. Under normal circumstances, this would’ve been fine, but she wanted all…
Is He Crazy or Nah?
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