So I had been talking to this guy regularly on the phone and we finally made plans to go on a date. We met at a restaurant near my home and had a ball. We ate, drank, conversed [the conversation was GREAT!], and danced [they had a live band]. It was a wonderful date! It was time for us to part ways, so he walked me to my car. He pulled me closely and kissed me. [OH EM GEE! Fireworks!] The kiss was absolutely amazing and I didn’t want to stop, but eventually pulled back to avoid getting too carried away. As I hugged him goodbye, he said he wanted to talk…
Repost: Crotch Shots
Big Cock?
You cannot be serious sir? What happened to substance? People are so quick to skip formalities and jump into the bedroom. Smh! For starters, don’t brag about having a big penis to anyone, especially a black woman [been there…done that]. And besides, who says cock? Lol. I can’t! This date is OVER! Have any words of wisdom, crazy or unique dating stories to share? Post them to Like us on FACEBOOK and Follow us on TWITTER. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Tune in to our radio show on Sunday nights….10pm ET on…This Date Is Over Radio!
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