So I was at a barbecue at my cousin’s house when a friend of hers, let’s call her Vicky, arrived with this cutie patootie baby boy who was about 6 months old. The baby was a little fussy and Vicky was having a hard time putting him to sleep. My cousin joked that since I had the biggest boobs in the bunch, I should try to put the baby to sleep. Vicky handed me the baby, I held the him against my bosom and just like that, he went to sleep. [What can I say? They’re real and they’re spectacular!] As a joke, I posted a picture of me holding the baby on Facebook with…
Nothing But Drama
So one day I was playing around on Facebook and saw a man, let’s call him Sly, who I found attractive and started to flirt. I let him know that, although I found him attractive, I had a girlfriend at the time and not really looking for anything too serious. He asked me to lunch and I accepted his offer so that we could get to know each other. At lunch, he told me everything about his life such as him being a single father [found out that was a lie] to how he became a respectable public servant. Our date lasted for a few hours…we laughed, talked, and really…
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