• The Blog

    Valentine’s Day Disaster

    So I was on my way to Europe, but had a layover in New Jersey. On my layover flight from DC to Jersey, I was gonna tune everything out and plug in my headphones, but the guy next to me decided to strike up a conversation [mother f*****!] He was not at all my type from a physical standpoint (his head was MASSIVE and his shoes were all the way run over), but he was very cool and I’m always down to connect with new people. Anyway, we had the typical ‘where are you from, where are you going, what do you do’ conversation. He disclosed that he was a…

  • The Blog

    Crotch Shots

    So I met this guy on an online dating site and found him to be rather attractive.  We seemed to hit it off and decided to exchange numbers to keep the conversation going offline. We spoke for a couple of weeks taking our time to get to know each other discussing what we were looking for in a relationship, our backgrounds, and etc.  Since he wasn’t local, we were in the process of scheduling an official meet up for a Saturday afternoon. Well on this one particular evening, we were having the typical “how was your day, how was work, and etc.” conversation.  I had to cut our chat short…

  • The Blog

    Christmas Tree

    So I met this guy during the holiday season at a professional football game…my company had a private suite at the time and the guy worked at the stadium.  We exchanged numbers and spoke on the phone a few days later….the typical get-to-know-you conversations.   Anyway, he called me on a Monday and asked me out to dinner for Friday of that week.  I was looking forward to it because he seemed pretty cool UNTIL he called me a couple of hours before our date breaking our plans.  His excuse: “I gotta get my grandmother a Christmas tree.” [THE F**K ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!] As I burst into laughter I…

  • The Blog


    So I had been seeing this chick, let’s call her Brenda, for a few weeks and I was feeling her…so much so that I decided to take her on a little road trip from DC to Philly to dine at a very nice restaurant.  I should’ve known something was amiss with Brenda because when the waiter asked her how she wanted her steak, she said “HOT”. [What the f*** BRENDA DAMN! Act like you’ve been somewhere.]   The waiter looked at me with the “she cannot be serious” face and all I could do was shake my head and give him the uncomfortable “yes, she is serious” look.  I was…

  • The Blog

    Christian Woman

    So I came across a woman on Facebook that I went to middle school with, but never got acquainted with during the school years.After running into her in public, we ended up exchanging numbers and started to text and have multiple phone conversations.   She seemed like a very nice and warm hearted Christian woman, so I was digging that tremendously being a Christian man. Anyway we started to spend time together….movies, dinner, and random meet ups just to talk. To sweeten the pot, she would cook and bring me all types of wonderful dishes she had prepared. [You know food is a way to a man’s heart.]    …

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