• The Blog


    So I met this guy one night while I was at a bar with some of my friends. I liked his vibe and we exchanged numbers before I left to go home. We talked on the phone a few days later after I had gotten off from work and it just so happened that my project site was close to his office [Sweet!]. We decided to get together that same night after my project at a sushi restaurant nearby to have those initial ice-breaker conversations since we hadn’t chatted much after meeting due to both of our schedules.  I learned that we worked in the same industry and that neither one…

  • The Blog

    Enough Already: If You Can’t Afford To Date Then Just Don’t Date

    Y’all really intending on this never-ending debate about $200 dates and plane tickets, aren’t you? That’s my reaction each time I see the Twitter timeline begin a discussion about if there is actually a preferred or correct range that one should spend on a date. I must say it is very difficult to have a discussion on Twitter. Truthfully, anything that happens on Twitter is just ranting and soapboxing. Sprinkle in a few minions who RT everything you say and that’s all it is, it’s a far cry from a discussion. The conversation has always annoyed me. On almost every level I cannot understand why we’re having this conversation. I…

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