• The Blog

    Can’t Get Right

    So once I cut a person off, it’s usually for good, but on this particular occasion, I gave some a second chance.  This dude reneged on an invitation to a Lauryn Hill concert [read more HERE] and I didn’t appreciate that not one bit so much so that I completely cut dude off…Blocked him from calling and texting me altogether [Thanks iPhone] Anyway after almost one year of not talking to the guy, he called me on my phone from a different number [his job phone apparently].  I didn’t know who it was at first, but once he said his name, I laughed hysterically and hung up the phone.  [Petty…

  • The Blog


    So I met and became friends with this guy named Tony (not his real name). I found him attractive, but never had the courage to really make a move because I was shy and didn’t know if he was remotely attracted to me.  We eventually lost touch…nothing personal…we just didn’t communicate as much. Fast forward a few months…. It was a normal afternoon and I was at home chilling [because I had nothing else better to do lol]. My phone rang and it was Tony!!!! I was brewing with excitement and simply couldn’t answer the phone quick enough.  I made up my mind that I was going to stop being a…

  • The Blog

    Bait & Switch

    So I lost my job [layoff] and was without health insurance.  Due to my layoff/unemployment status, my health insurance went from a little over $100 per month through my employer to over $500 per month and I simply couldn’t afford that. To my surprise and disappointment, I had fallen very ill such that I had to go to a specialist to get an MRI which cost close to $2,000 out of pocket [how the f*** am I gonna pay for this?].  I was REALLY upset about it and like any normal person, I expressed my concern on Facebook. [lol] Once I shared my grief about not having insurance [this was before…

  • The Blog

    Drive My Car?

    So a lot of men claim that they want a “ride or die chick” and apparently I don’t quite know what that means because I’m in a bit of a quandary. Let me give you the back story… My boyfriend of 1.5 years has a lot of bad luck when it comes to cars or, in other words, he can’t get his sh** together…in my opinion.  He’s great in a LOT of ways, but not with cars/driving. A couple of months ago, he let his insurance lapse. [Way to go man!]  I wasn’t aware of this until he got pulled over by the police while we were leaving dinner because he did…

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