So I met a guy online and we really hit it off. He looked good in his pics, we had great conversation, and seemed to have a lot in common….I was really looking forward to meeting him. He asked me out to dinner a few weeks later and I happily accepted. I decided to meet him at the restaurant to be on the safe side because it is not my nature to just tell anyone where I live [he could be a nut job….who knows?]
I arrived at the restaurant and as I was walking up, I heard someone call my name from afar and, of course, it was my date who had just parked his car and he was just as cute as his pictures [yay!]. I waved with a smile and told him that I would wait for him in front of the restaurant. I expected him to hop right out of the car, but he took his sweet time which I thought was strange and was working working on my patience [my stomach doesn’t like to wait].
As I sat in front of the restaurant, I got distracted….started to people watch and didn’t even see my date get out of his car, but when I looked over to where he had parked, I saw that he was no longer in his car. I stood up to see where he went because this dude was nowhere in site, but I heard him call my name. As I looked around, I started to get frustrated thinking “this dude is playing games” because I could clearly hear him, but couldn’t see him UNTIL I looked down…This dude was in a [insert expletive] wheelchair!!!!!!!!! #FMYLife
This date is OVER!
Call me petty, but the dude never mentioned that he couldn’t walk nor that he was in a wheelchair…That’s not something you casually forget.
I Don’t Date Liars
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