So I had known this guy for a few years and he was FIONE! [Not fine, but FOINE!] We kept in touch and the energy between us was always great, but I was too shy to make the first move and talked myself out of ever expressing interest because I figured he’d be more into those super glamorous,46-inch weave wearing “insta-baddy” types of women. I think I’m attractive, but I know my lane. [Lol]
He called me one Friday out of the blue to let me know that he’d be on my side of town on Saturday afternoon and would love to see me to talk about some things.
“LOVE to see ME? To see ME???? Yessssss!!!!!!!! Finally, this guy has come to his senses and he wants to talk about how he’s secretly in love with me” I thought to myself. So there was no way in hell I was going to pass up this opportunity to be with my “boo”.
Saturday has arrived!

I was so excited to see my beau-to-be that I added an extra spray of perfume and donned an outfit that was carefully picked out for this special occasion.
I went to meet him at the nearby cafe and, as I pulled up, I saw his FOINE ass sitting outside at a table waiting for me. I walked up to him and my heart skipped like 8 beats. He stood up and hugged me tightly and OH MY GOD he smelled so good! [GLOOOOOORAAAAAAY!]
We sat there gazing into each other’s eyes as we caught up. In the back of my mind, I kept wondering when he was just going to spill the beans and shout his burning desire to be with me and that’s when the conversation switched gears. [FINALLY! Let’s get this show on the road and get this love thing started!] At that moment, he shared why he wanted to see me [Yes! Yes! Just say it already!!] and that was to join his “money team”. [Huh? Wait are you asking me to start tricking?] This dude invited me out to join his multi-level marketing group and at that moment, I could feel my heart break into a thousand pieces.

This dude pulled out a laptop, presentations, introduced me to his “up-line” via phone, etc. and I was beyond through.

Thanks for nothing!
What would you have done in this situation? Should she make a move and tell him how she feels or let it go? Comment below! Submit your relationship & bad date stories at
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