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Asian Persuasion

So I had been dating this bi-racial guy (half black, half Chinese) off and on for a few months.  He was fine as hell; however, I was a little apprehensive about dating him initially for stereotypical reasons [I was afraid he would be too little in the middle], but I gave him a chance. We didn’t see each other consistently because we both had strenuous work schedules, travel, etc.

He gave me a call when he returned from business travel and we went out for drinks at a restaurant on my side of town to catch up. We decided to take the party back to my place where we immediately fell asleep before any adult activities could begin because we were both exhausted.

Sexy nude African-American couple embracing.

The next morning greeted us and the touchy feely stuff began followed by some sensual kisses. We had never taken it there before due to my unspoken apprehension and the fact that opportunity didn’t present itself since we didn’t see each other often. As the kissing continued and he was about to do the big reveal, he cautioned me by stating that his penis came from the black side of his family and that it was kind of big. [Oh sh*t! That’s what I like to hear!]

He pulled that thing out and IT. WAS. EVERYTHING!  

And by everything, I mean it was everything that I thought it would be……………



That thing was so disappointing and subpar…no length…no girth.  I could not believe he gassed me up like that for some short penis. He definitely didn’t get that from his black side. NOPE! [Forgive the stereotype, but ummmmmm look at the stats! I don’t know how accurate the list is, but East Asian is dead last lol] So I brought all activity to a halt and closed the shop immediately [Shallow AF!]. I told him that the timing was off and that I wasn’t ready, which I wasn’t in all actuality. From that point on, it was pretty much a done deal.



Sorry Not Sorry


What would you do in this situation?  Would you have continued on with the morning sex? Was she too shallow?

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