So I had gone on a couple of dates with this guy, let’s call him PNB (potential new boo), and we really seemed to have a great connection. Nonstop laughter, endless conversation, chemistry….you name it, we had it and, not to mention, we had the SAME taste in music [SCORE!!!!]. We communicated often and things really flowed with ease.
Well on this particular evening during one of our many music chats, he mentioned that he LOVED Lauryn Hill and that he went to her concert in DC earlier in the year. I laughed and said:
Me: Funny story… I was supposed to be at that concert, but the guy that invited me to the show cancelled [see story HERE] at the last minute because he supposedly sold the tickets to his friend so that his friend could take his girlfriend. I think he just wanted to take another chick and made up that story.
We shared a big laugh about my unfortunate situation and he mentioned that he was shocked that a guy could be so rude and agreed that he probably took another woman in my place. I told him that I couldn’t date someone who thought it would be ok to renege on a date with me in that manner and that there’s no turning back for me when that kind of thing happens. [Call me petty or whatever you want…I don’t care.]
Anyway, a few days went by and I got a text message from PNB and guess what he sent? An invitation to and a copy of the email confirmation from Ticketmaster for the Lauryn Hill concert!!!! [I cannot believe it!!!!! (Coming to America bathroom scene)] Apparently, she was coming to town the following week and he bought us tickets to the show. I thought that was soooooooo sweet and was over the moon! I thanked him over and over again.
Fast forward to the day before the concert….
I received a text from PNB while at work
This date is OVER!
I was absolutely floored that this even happened and thought that the dating gods were playing some kind of evil trick on me. [Maybe I should’ve been nicer to that guy in 2nd grade after all and this is my karma. lol]
PNB called me immediately after our text exchange, but I didn’t have a whole lot to say to him:
Him: I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t know she was coming to town and I owe my sister big time.
Me: That’s not my problem.
Him: Let me fix this.
Me: The only way this will be fixed is if I’m at the concert tomorrow night. Otherwise, I have nothing else to say to you. I’m not even understanding why your sister can’t take herself to the show or why you can’t get her her own ticket.
Him: The show is sold out.
Me: Well that’s too bad. It’s funny how you were aware of what happened to me the first time around with the other guy cancelling on me at the last minute to see Lauryn Hill and, now, you’re doing the exact same thing. LOL! I can’t! Goodbye!
I politely told PNB to get the f*** off of my phone and reminded him to never contact me again. To my chagrin, he continued to call and text me for 6 weeks straight, but, fortunately, I blocked him. [Thanks iPhone!]
If your sister isn’t on her deathbed and/or doesn’t have some sort of terminal illness, spare me your sob story about reneging on our date. Clearly, it’s not meant for me to see Lauryn Hill perform live…EVER! lol What are the odds of being cancelled on twice for the same musical artist in the same year? lol
I Can’t Win
What would you have done in this situation? If a person you just met cancelled a date that you two had planned, but decided to take someone else, would you still continue to date them? Would you allow that person to make it up to you? Do you think PNB really took his sister to the show?
Comment below! Submit your relationship & bad date stories to
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One Comment
Lisa Marie-Events
Unfortunately, it seems that she is carrying the feelings of what happened on her previous date to this date. It’s unfortunate that he had to cancel, but him calling and following up and trying for 6 weeks says something positive about him. He didn’t seem to be trying to play with her feelings. However, knowing the past situation, he probably should have told his sister he didn’t have an extra ticket.