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    So my boo was on his way over for some much needed extracurricular activities [bom chika  wah wah!] and it was EVERYTHING! He knows that I’m very anal (pause) when it comes to after sex cleanup. I’m usually the one to get up and grab the baby wipes for us, but on this particular night, he volunteered to do so [Awww my boo gets me! Love me some him.]  We cleaned ourselves and off to sleep we went. I got up the next morning to get ready for work and went into the bathroom. As I wiped the sleep from my eye, I noticed my container of lemon fresh Lysol disinfecting wipes…

  • The Blog

    Mr. Africa

    So I was leaving a friend’s party and got a call from a guy that I had met previously online. Fortunately, he was literally 3 blocks away at a local bar, so I decided to meet up with him before heading home. I walked inside the bar and G** DAMN this dude was all kinds of delicious. He was 6’4, 1,000,000% muscle, nice juicy lips, caramel complexion, he dressed nicely AND he smelled good [I’M WEAK!]. We began to chat over a couple of drinks and he started to tell me about his background and how he was proud to be African so much so that he decided to play…

  • The Blog

    Grow Up

    So I’ve known this guy for quite a few years and we would link up sporadically for drinks and a fun time [Not sex, but an actual fun time outside of the bedroom. Hello! That actually happens you know.] This one time a while back we went out, got super drunk, and made out in his car….that was the first time I experienced the penis [dun dun dun]. The Plot Thickens, But Not His Penis When I felt it, it felt like a pencil, but I thought to myself “this can’t be real”, so I fondled him some more to make sure that was his penis…this dude didn’t even stop me…

  • The Blog

    Enough Already: If You Can’t Afford To Date Then Just Don’t Date

    Y’all really intending on this never-ending debate about $200 dates and plane tickets, aren’t you? That’s my reaction each time I see the Twitter timeline begin a discussion about if there is actually a preferred or correct range that one should spend on a date. I must say it is very difficult to have a discussion on Twitter. Truthfully, anything that happens on Twitter is just ranting and soapboxing. Sprinkle in a few minions who RT everything you say and that’s all it is, it’s a far cry from a discussion. The conversation has always annoyed me. On almost every level I cannot understand why we’re having this conversation. I…

  • The Blog

    UnHappy Hour

    So the only thing I learned that night was that maybe I should have stayed at home… In a way I am glad this date happened, because it was in the midst of mainly men tripping about my first post stating that a first date could cost $200. Even though that was not what it was about at all, most men (broke, insecure, not ready to date yet) saw only that part. Well I had a date last night that proved that women usually aren’t the one tallying the tab, but men are. The guy here, I’ve been patient with for a couple of months now. Only because he is…

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