• The Blog

    Run Me My Food!

    So I reconnected with a guy that I met about a year prior at a friend’s party…He found me on a social media site and we began to catch up over the next couple of weeks.  We’ll call him the Chef. Chef called me on a Monday offering to make me dinner on Friday of that week [YESSSSS! #WINNING]. I was totally gushing on the inside because 1) I absolutely LOVE a man in the kitchen and 2) I appreciate a man who takes the initiative to prepare a home cooked meal.  So, it was a date…Friday at 7pm. He told me he would be making steak and shrimp and…

  • The Blog

    Don’t Be A Mitch!

    So I had a little bit of a rocky first date with this guy, let’s call him Sassy Mitch. He didn’t tell me he was going to be late to our date until after I had arrived at the restaurant. [You cannot be serious!] Apparently, he locked himself out of his house and only had his phone. I told him we should reschedule so that he could get his stuff in order and because I was starving [and I’m not going to wait for you to get here…sorry!], but he insisted on coming. Mitch arrived 45 minutes late, but I was already grubbing. Fortunately and surprisingly, things ended on a…

  • The Blog

    Thank God For Facebook! (TGFF)

    So I met this guy who was a part of the night shift crew at my job….when I’m clocking out, he’s clocking in. He’d regularly come into the office a few minutes early and we’d have small talk. I learned that he was ex-military and a gym rat with multiple jobs. Anyway, this dude was FINE, tall, and delicious, but I couldn’t really tell if he was digging me beyond a professional level and I damn sure wasn’t going to pursue him. [I’m shy! Sue me. Lol] Well on this one particular evening, I was counting down to quitting time because I was STARVING since I left my lunch at home by mistake.  As…

  • The Blog

    A Con and A Fraud

    So, I met this guy on a dating app. We went out and he seemed like everything I could possibly hope for. I liked that he seemed goal-oriented, focused, and motivated. From our first date, he seemed like someone who knew what he wanted and was as tired of the dating scene as me. We met in October and by Thanksgiving, I met his family. I was for sure that he was serious about me, but I started to notice and find strange things. I had trust issues from previous relationships, so I would periodically search his phone or around the house. I saw that he was having inappropriate text conversations with…

  • The Blog

    Asian Persuasion

    So I had been dating this bi-racial guy (half black, half Chinese) off and on for a few months.  He was fine as hell; however, I was a little apprehensive about dating him initially for stereotypical reasons [I was afraid he would be too little in the middle], but I gave him a chance. We didn’t see each other consistently because we both had strenuous work schedules, travel, etc. He gave me a call when he returned from business travel and we went out for drinks at a restaurant on my side of town to catch up. We decided to take the party back to my place where we immediately…

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