So a guy invited me to join him at a sports bar to watch a basketball game. I accepted his offer and headed to meet him there. He was fine as all get out, the conversation flowed nicely, and he was good friends with one of the bartenders which meant we got the super duper homeboy discount on everything. [Hallelujah!] I was a little hungry and didn’t want to drink on an empty stomach, so I ordered a dozen wings. I offered my date some of the wings, but he declined stating that he wasn’t hungry. I started to get full, so I asked the bartender to bring me a…
Not All Black Men Fit The Stereotype
On the third date, I spent the night at his place. We kissed and he was pretty bad at it, but I didn't let that deter me. Before we did the obvious, I decided to reach down below to feel what he was working with
Run Me My Food!
So I reconnected with a guy that I met about a year prior at a friend’s party…He found me on a social media site and we began to catch up over the next couple of weeks. We’ll call him the Chef. Chef called me on a Monday offering to make me dinner on Friday of that week [YESSSSS! #WINNING]. I was totally gushing on the inside because 1) I absolutely LOVE a man in the kitchen and 2) I appreciate a man who takes the initiative to prepare a home cooked meal. So, it was a date…Friday at 7pm. He told me he would be making steak and shrimp and…
What Dat Mouf Do?
So I decided to try out a dating app to test the waters. I’m a silly person to the core, so I made certain to include some banter about the importance of nice (well, decent) teeth in an effort to avoid matching with a yuckmouth [i.e. a person with really bad teeth]. I perused some profiles and came across this one guy who was very attractive; however, I couldn’t gauge how his teeth were going to look because his mouth was closed in all of his pictures [Red Flag], but I decided to put those fears aside, swiped right, and BOOM….it was a match! We chatted on the app…
We’re NOT Together
So I was working at a bank and had been crushing on one of my regular customers. We spoke (and flirted) often since he visited my branch almost daily to handle his company’s deposits. [He was fine…..what can I say?] A couple of months passed and I landed a new job at a large firm paying way more than my BS bank teller salary [hallelujah!]. I, of course, informed my crush that I would be bidding the bank farewell in less than 2 weeks and, as I had hoped, he asked for my number. Because both of our schedules were so busy – me starting a new job and also…
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