• The Blog


    So I met this guy named Bo at a barbecue and the attraction was instant.  The chemistry between us was great; however, there was one HUGE problem: He wasn’t quite divorced…He was going through the process, but had a few months to go. [F*ck my life!] I made him aware of the reservations with dealing with someone in his situation and told him there would be no sexual relations between us whatsoever until his stuff was formally settled.  The plan was to cut him off because I didn’t want to end up in the middle of any type of drama or for our emotions to get the best of us,…

  • The Blog

    The Graduation

    So I was very cool with my boyfriend’s family and had known them for close to two years. They lived out of state, about 300 miles, so I would only see them when I joined my boyfriend (when my schedule permitted) on a road trip, which was about 3-4 times a year. Anyway, my boyfriend wanted me to accompany him to visit his family for a special occasion: his little brother was graduating high school. [YAY!]  I thought that was all fine and dandy and was excited to attend the ceremony because his brother was such a great kid with a bright future.  The only problem was that my boyfriend planned on driving up…

  • The Blog

    Too Honest

    So I matched with a guy on a dating app and we had a few back and forth messages. He said he wanted to take me out and I give him my number. He texted me shortly thereafter with the standard “how’s the weather”, “how are you” off and on.  Although he never picked up the phone to talk to me, he attempted to see when I was free via text without officially asking me out.  He texted me a few days later to see if I wanted to meet later that night, but I told him that I had plans and suggested the following night.  He asked me if I was going on…

  • The Blog

    Mr. Flaky

    So this guy I hadn’t spoken to since the beginning of the year called me around Thanksgiving to catch up.  I wasn’t too enthusiastic about his call because he had been unresponsive when I tried to reach him a few times previously, but I decided to hear him out.  Apparently, he moved out of the area, 1000+ miles to be exact [I would have known that had he kept in touch], and he wanted to get together.  I declined because I wasn’t going to make time to see someone who disappeared for damn near an entire year. As a consolation, I humored the guy by having a video chat and  expressed my disappointment…

  • The Blog

    The Breakfast Club

    So I met this guy through my internship and we hit it off very well. We kept in contact and went out on a few occasions.  I just so happened to be moving to his side of town, about 7 blocks away to be exact, so that was an added bonus. [Yay! More quality time.] Once I got settled after about a week or so, he invited me to come over to his place for breakfast the coming Saturday morning [Hell yeah! Count me in! I love a man in the kitchen!].  He asked me the type of foods I liked so that he could have an idea of what…

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