So I was at a barbecue at my cousin’s house when a friend of hers, let’s call her Vicky, arrived with this cutie patootie baby boy who was about 6 months old. The baby was a little fussy and Vicky was having a hard time putting him to sleep. My cousin joked that since I had the biggest boobs in the bunch, I should try to put the baby to sleep. Vicky handed me the baby, I held the him against my bosom and just like that, he went to sleep. [What can I say? They’re real and they’re spectacular!] As a joke, I posted a picture of me holding the baby on Facebook with…
Speed Date
So I met this guy online and we began to speak on the phone off and on for a couple of weeks. I had been out of town for work, so there wasn’t an immediate opportunity for us to connect face to face. Well, I was home this particular week and the guy called to ask what I was doing that evening. I let him know that I had a meeting when I got off and would be headed home afterwards. He said he wanted to see me and would be wrapping up with his client [he was a personal trainer] at around 7:30pm, which happened to be around the…
So I exchanged numbers with this guy and, during our initial chat, I learned that he lived about 4 hours away. [Damn!] We kept in touch in spite of the distance and spoke fairly regularly . He came to town within the following weeks and we had the absolute BEST time. We went to a number of bars in the city (kind of like a bar crawl) and danced the night away. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. It felt great to just go out and have some good old-fashioned fun….nothing planned or pretentious. [This dude might be a keeper!] Eventually, the clock struck…
Pencil D***
So I met this guy in a popular nightlclub in DC and we dated for a few months. Things progressed pretty well and pretty quickly. Eventually, our dates became longer and longer until one night I decided to give him some. Things were getting hot and heavy…I asked him if he had any condoms and he said “no”. So I told him to get some. My neighborhood was a pretty popular neighborhood with plenty of convenience stores within seconds of my home, yet it took him 45 minutes. When he returned, he seemed pretty nervous, but I invited him to my bedroom to relax with a glass of wine. The…
Don’t Be A Buzzkill
So have you ever gone on a date with someone that sucked the life out of the entire room? Perhaps he/she was a Debbie Downer, rubbed you the wrong way, or just killed the moment? Well, we call these people BUZZKILLS. Now I’m certain we’ve all had our very own buzzkill moments and here are some suggestions on how NOT to be a buzzkill on future dates. Don’t bring up a bunch of sh*t that nobody cares about for the sake of having conversation Of course, we want conversations to flow naturally, but it’s important to really THINK before we speak. So if you have some random thoughts running through your mind that you…
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