So I was headed to a Super Bowl party hosted by a group of fraternity brothers. A few days before the party, I got a call from a guy (let’s call him Lew Zer) that I had been out with a couple of months prior and he informed me that he’d also be at the Super Bowl party. Nothing happened between the two of us besides dinner because. Lew Zer blew me off for our second date and I stopped calling him after that. Because I overslept, I arrived to the Super Bowl party right before half-time and once I got into the house, it was absolutely packed with people.…
Drunk Dating
So I was drunk at a birthday party in NYC and this girl kept telling me how awesome her friend was…making him sound like such a good guy. You know, a “great on paper dude”….great job, smart and I don’t know…I was drunk. He showed up much later and in a bit of drunken desperation, Drunk Self (I) threw myself at him and we became friends. Drunk self, managed to give him ALL of my information: cell, home, FB, email, everything [Damn her!!]. The next morning he came back to the city and I really saw him. He was short and round. He’s Samwise. The Hobbit. [This Mother F***er is a…
The Set Up
So this guy that I knew from an online dating site hit me up a year later out of the blue. We dated for a bit previously, but I didn’t think he was a good fit because he had a Napoleon complex: he was mean to me at times and didn’t know how to talk to me. I stopped communicating with him at that time and told him that I didn’t think we were compatible. As I said before, he messaged me one year later on a social media site asking to reconnect. I told him it wasn’t a good idea and declined, but he just kept asking. He asked me out…
1 Bar, 2 Fools
So I was at the bar with a group of friends when I felt someone squeezing on my side. It caught me totally off guard because I was in the middle of a conversation with one of my homegirls and knew it wasn’t her grabbing me on my love handles. I turned my chair around to see who touched me and it was some guy who was sitting in the stool right next to me at the bar. Me: Ummmmm…why are you touching me? Can I help you with something? Him: Oh, I just wanted to get your attention to talk to you. Me: My attention? Are you kidding me right now? You’re…
Can’t Get Right
So once I cut a person off, it’s usually for good, but on this particular occasion, I gave some a second chance. This dude reneged on an invitation to a Lauryn Hill concert [read more HERE] and I didn’t appreciate that not one bit so much so that I completely cut dude off…Blocked him from calling and texting me altogether [Thanks iPhone] Anyway after almost one year of not talking to the guy, he called me on my phone from a different number [his job phone apparently]. I didn’t know who it was at first, but once he said his name, I laughed hysterically and hung up the phone. [Petty…
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