So I had been doing the online dating thing for a while which made me kind of hip to some of the deceptive things that a lot of men do with their pictures and profile information. As I was perusing this guy’s profile trying to determine if I should swipe left or right, I decided “what the heck?” and swiped right. He was attractive and cleaned up nicely according to his picture. However, he only had ONE picture [RED FLAG #1] and his mouth was closed [RED Flag #2] which made me concerned that he might have a yuckmouth. He swiped right too, so that opened the door for us to start chatting back…
Not Interested
So I decided to take myself to brunch one Sunday at one of my favorite restaurants to get some work done. You know…kill two birds with one stone. Anyway as I was working on my laptop, I noticed this scruffy looking guy walking in my direction. I assumed he was going to a nearby table, but to my chagrin, he pulled up a chair RIGHT next to me. [F**K!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are sooooo many open seats in this place. Why are you encroaching on my space?] I was not in the mood to entertain any form of conversation and continued to work on my laptop as if he wasn’t there, but this fella was completely oblivious to all of my non-verbal cues.…
Online Dating 101
Technology has completely changed the way that a lot of us do life, especially in the world of dating. We can literally manage our love lives with the click of a mouse and/or thumbs via online dating. Online dating seems like a no-brainer or that it would be fairly simple, but it can be a little complex. So we’ve come up with a list [yes! the dreaded list] of some tips, tricks, advice, and etc. that we’ve learned along the way. Of course we won’t cover everything and will probably have to create several blog posts on this subject, so just humor us for now. lol HAVE AN OPEN MIND…
So I exchanged numbers with this guy and, during our initial chat, I learned that he lived about 4 hours away. [Damn!] We kept in touch in spite of the distance and spoke fairly regularly . He came to town within the following weeks and we had the absolute BEST time. We went to a number of bars in the city (kind of like a bar crawl) and danced the night away. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. It felt great to just go out and have some good old-fashioned fun….nothing planned or pretentious. [This dude might be a keeper!] Eventually, the clock struck…
Dating Tip: Online Profile
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